Monday, July 1, 2019

Reading Stamina

Reading Stamina
Help your child build their reading stamina. Stamina is the ability to do something for a long period of time.  I share with my children and students my running experience. Running has become a passion of mine for many reasons; exercise, community, fun and enjoyment. I was never a runner but over the past few years I have been training for races-5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons and now a full marathon! In order to do this I had to train my body to sustain running for longer and longer periods of time. I relate this story to reading. You have to practice, and practice and read and read in order to get better and better and do it for longer and longer.

Ways to support your child in building their ability to read for longer periods of time.

  • ·       Set goals-start low and then slowly build up. Graph it, chart it, and celebrate it! Here's a chart you can use 
  • My Reading
  • ·       Offer cozy inviting environments to read-beanbag chairs, forts, cozy chairs
  • ·       Have your child chose books that interest THEM!
  • ·       Set some guidelines-stay in one spot, start right away and read the whole time. Parents can be on hand to help and assist when needed.
  • ·       Remember that readers can read pictures, words, and retell stories they have read before.


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